The exhibition „Haus Molchow & Haus Kosmack“ in the Museum Neuruppin (in Brandenburg) 1.7.–9.9.2018. At the same time a bilingual publication Haus Molchow & Haus Kosmack, Baugeschichten am Molchowsee in der Mark Brandenburh / Histories of Buildings at Lake Molchow in the March of Brandenburg (Ernst Wasmuth Verlag) was published. Molchow House was designed 1907 by the Finnish architects Eliel Saarinen and Herman Gesellius. It was a rare example of a Gesamtkunstwerk, in which the planners were also responsible for the interior design. The architect of Kosmack House, completed 1910, was the German architect and co-founder of the Deutscher Werkbund, Hermann Muthesius. The publication portrays for the first time in a comprehensive manner the two buildings, their inhabitants and their eventful history until the demolition of the houses after the Second World War.
The following exhibitions regarding my research on the Finnish architect Gustaf Nyström took place:
The exhibition „Gustaf Nyström pankkiarkkitehtina“ [Gustaf Nyström as a planner of bank buildings] in the Nordea Bank Museum in Helsinki 9.3.2018–31.1.2019. Curators of the exhibition were Teppo Jokinen and Kukka-Maaria Nummi.

The exhibition Arkkitehti Gustaf Nyström ja Turku. Viisi rakennusta – viisi tarinaa“ [Architect Gustaf Nyström and Turku. Five buildings – five tales]. This exhibition on Nyströms building design in Turku was to be seen in late Sommer 2017 in one department building of the Åbo Akademi. The curators of the exhibition were Teppo Jokinen and Ulrika Grägg.

The first results of my art historical investigation on the Molchow House in Alt Ruppin in Brandenburg, designed by the Finnish architects Eliel Saarinen and Herman Gesellius, were presented in summer 2006 in the exhibition „Architektur – Natur – Poesie. Verborgene Baugeschichte(n) in der Ruppiner Schweiz„. The exhibition place in the Kornspeicher (a former granary) in Neumühle is situated at the Lake Mochw, close to the site where the Molchow House stood untill it was demolished in the 1950s.

For the exhibition in Neumühle 2006 the publication Haus Molchow. Geschichte eines verschwundenen Hauses was published. A year before my book in Finnish Haus Molchow. Kadonneen talon tarina was published during the exhibition with the same name in Hvitträsk (the former studio flat of Saarinen and Gesellius). The exhibition was organized by the National Museum of Finland.
During my work as a research assistant in the Technical Highshool ETH in Zürich in the Department for the History and Theory of Architecture, there were organized 1998 the 100th jubilee exhibition of Alvar Aalto. Together with Bruno Maurer, research coordinator of the Department, I contributed to the accomplishment of the Aalto-exhibition and, simultaneously, we edited the publication ‚Der Magus des Nordens‘. Alvar Aalto und die Schweiz.